A teeth cleaning experience like no other.

Looking for next-level oral cleaning experience? Discover the power of Guided Biofilm Therapy offered at Creekside Dental.
If you think your oral health is as important as we do, you really need to try our GBT cleaning. It is seriously next nevel.
Dr. Manjula Reddy
Family Dentist

Why Biofilm Must Be Removed Completely.

Biofilm is a complex community of bacteria that forms on teeth, gums, and other surfaces in the mouth. This bacteria is responsible for the onset of oral diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis and can contribute to other oral health problems.

A GBT cleaning session is painless and does not damage the teeth. Leaving you feeling good with an almost wellness spa-like experience while offering a range of benefits.

Gentle on teeth

The therapy uses gentle air polishing, so it’s easy on your teeth and gums.

Healthier smile

GBT helps prevent cavities and gum disease, keeping your smile healthy.

Better cleaning

GBT gets rid of plaque more effectively, leaving your mouth super clean.

Tailored to you

The special dye shows exactly where the biofilm is, allowing for a personalized and thorough cleaning.

Fresher breath

Regular GBT sessions help keep your mouth clean and your breath fresh for longer.

Pleasant experience

Designed to be pleasant, GBT makes dental cleanings more comfortable, even for sensitive teeth.

Don't just take our word for it. See the results.

The 8 steps that make the full GBT Experience

1. Diagnose

A ful oral health assessment screens for gum diseas risks to enable early detection and prevention

2. Disclose

An organic dye highlights biofilm (also known as dental plaque) for targeted cleaning and removal

3. Motivate

Once biofilm is revealed, you'll receive personalised tips for optimal at-home oral care and disease prevention


AIRFLOW MAX technology uses air, water and erythritol powder spray to gently remove all the biofilm and stains from teeth and tissues


If required PERIOFLOW will be used to carefully disrupt any biofilm from the gum pockets


PIEZON uses pulsating water to gently remove calculs and hardened deposits

7. Control & Check

A final check ensures all biofilm and deposits are full removed

8. Recall

Your ideal recall shedule is set for ongoing oral health and wellness

Ready to schedule your appointment?

Book an appointment today and take the first step towards a healthier, brighter smile. Give us a call at (403) 730-8020 or book online below.